Adoption Agency for Abandoned Repos
- Put a badge on a github page saying if the repo is maintained or not.
- If there is a maintained fork and the original fork is no longer active give a link to the maintained fork.
- Help maintainers be better ones, with less pressure, allow maintainers to suggest they want someone to take over.
- Poneys, Squirrels, Pirates, Babies and very cute cats.
This is basically around creating a "foundation style" governenship model for smaller projects, but without the hassle and the politics. Put it in a box, as a service, lightweight, fun, only around decision making and transparency, not the discussions, they will happen somewhere else. Going AAAR is taking a pledge either to maintain or to do whatever is possible to help others maintain a project.
This is both for the casual OS contributor, that released a thing, but finds it hard to get into the move. The company the sponsors a project, then changes priorities. Or for Yehuda Katz and Steve Klabnik that simple have too much on their plate. Transferring maintainership can simply be the proof of the susccess of a project. It can now live on. So this is about adoption, but also about parent counselling.
But most importantly this is about the end-user, the developer, htat wants to know how well a project is maintained, this takes out some of the steam from the last serious FUD elements againts OS. Just tell me. I might still use it if it is not maintained. I might even choose to maintain it myself. But tell me.
- Take the shame/pressure out - it is always a good thing to contribute, but we are not angels, our time is not infinite
- We start with github support only - but you should be able to abandon towards somewhere else
- We will need to talk to the github guys about API usage limits. If ever this takes off we might easily explode the quota.
- Remember, some (important) repos on github are just mirrors
- Some people have just so much Karma, that if you decide to go AAAR you also accept they can take over your project, for a time, forever. You can always "opt-out" by just removing the badge. Again this is about a strong signal to the larger community.
- Forks (real ones) and Merges (real ones) are an important thing. It is time we had again clear semantics on this : This is a fork, that is going to be maintained as such. Might get merged back, or not.
- Make this a bit Tamagochi
Getting started
Basically nothing to see yet. But you can:
First install MongoDB
git clone
cd aaar
bundle install
cp config/devise.example.rb config/devise.rb
Create a github application, edit config/devise.rb and put in your credentials
rails s
and visit http://localhost:3000
Specs / Todo
- Prioritize (Now, what is the MVP for this thing? what are the minimal metrics + minimal action items + Do I start with a Rails thing and refactor to async workers, or from the get go decouple everything, it will make it easier to conribute custom metrics etc..)
- Operationnal model / Licensing for AAAR itself (so on MVP we need at least a self referncing badge !) - I would probably want this GPL without copyright assignement
- Privacy, privacy, privacy
- Security, security, security
- UX, UX, UX
- Design
Web site:
- Design a logo - Baby pirates on poneys or something like that
- oAuth connect to github account
- Configure notifications
- frequency (don't be spammy, but give a nice weekly/monthly recap)
- reward type (random, cat, squirrel, poney, Babies etc...).
- See charts / metrics:
- Redzone - project is used, maintainrship down. Propose actions:
- Explain low scores
- Propose action items
- Close issues / respond / accept or refuse pull request / write a TODO, add a LICENSE
- Offer to abandon - and seek new maintainer
- With confirmation / Without (vote of co-maintainers etc.. )
- Explain that passing maintainership is more then click. Is there a google group? A website? You need to give everything. (we need to give kudos for those that abandon and who have found a new maintainer)
- Seek co-maintainer
- Aaar clear and simple
- Promise to get better - We should follow up on this, like for probation for new maintainers
- Cry for help (email notify / twitter ping people that have already contributed? you need help)
- Greenzone - poneys!
- The children have grown up, time for them to move on.
- Gray zone (project is widely used, not a lot of issues humm drumm)
- We can also tweet from an official account and give kudos to people doing a great job. This should probably also be on the non-logged in home page.
- Be able to express on a new project how much of a long-term thing you think this is going to be.
recuperate all user repos
- sort to origins and forks
- mark forks with push rights to origin
- mark forks with accepted pull requests
Extract simple metrics
- stars, followers, commits, issues
Extract extra metrics
- Wiki 1/0
- Wiki Activity (number of commits? Delta +/- lines)
- Get activity from NPM, from Rubygems ...
- Get scores from travis, codeclimate, CVEs?
- New mainainters are on probation - specific badges, honours, maintainership can default back to original.
- Is there a LICENSE file
- Is there a CONTRIBUTE file (does it talk about copyright assignement?)
- Is there a ROADMAP /TODO file?
- Is there a CHANGELOG
- Is it using Semver?
Visitor Workers
- Create time series for every data point : data_point:[{date=>date, value=>value}]
- Create score for different dimensions : Activity / Maintainership
- Create notification
Two types of badges, codeclimate/travis style + badgy badges (coderwall)
- Generate images - activity level / maintainership level - We can have multiple badges, generate a single image
- Generate link(s)
- to AbandonBadge (This project is no longer maintained, and is seeking a new maintainer / This repo is maintained by a god expect reaction times in the ms domain for pull requests.... etc / This repo needs more co-maintainers, there so much work... )
- to "maintained" repo (the author of the project has transferred maintainership to.. click here for maitained fork)
Basically all of the data is going to come from somewhere else; It would be cool to keep hypermedia links to the original authority of the data.
We need only expose the specifics here: Decisions users made on maintainership.